Monday, November 16, 2009

Re Batching Cold Processed Soap

Hi again.

What attracted me to cold process soap making was the idea of re batching this soap.

Re batching is taking cold or hot processed soap, melting it down with some liquid, and re molding it for another cure time.
Many wonder at those who do this, and most do it to fix a batch of soap they think has gone wrong according to their expectations. The rare person who enjoys this process, because it takes so much longer to have it available for sale, and it takes a lot more involvement with the soap. I was attracted to it to make soap in pretty molds and to be able to scent with more expensive oils.

So, my first 6 batches of loaf soap were unscented so that I could re batch it all.

Was I crazy? Then? Because, that is a lot of soap to re batch not knowing what I was getting into. Now? Because, I still try to re batch. With frustrating results, still. Re batching takes so much longer to re cure and seems to lose scent along the way.

Next time, I'm using milk...I've heard such good things about using milk with which to melt it down.

Re batching is difficult, because according to how dry your soap base is is how much liquid you add. So, often it is guesswork. You want it to liquefy enough to pour into a mold and allow it to fill all crevasses.

My last recipe involved taking a pound of soap to 9 oz. liquid. Still seems a bit much on the liquid end. It melted down and most I was able to pour.

This is my first success as far as very hard bars go. The scent is good in some, less in others. But, I am disappointed in the lather of the bar. I guess adding water to a completed soap might mess the lather properties up. It is harder than cold processed soap, but doesn't lather as well. I like my soap to lather and smell good.
So, it is back to the drawing board once again, because I would like to be able to tell someone how to re batch soap with some measure of confidence.

Thanks for reading. :)SCH

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Making Comfrey Salve

Hi Salve makers and those who want to learn:

I make a lot of salves that sell extremely well, especially locally. I make a calendula salve that is fragrance free, uses herbs of calendula, st. johnswort, and chamomile, that is often used by Moms and Dads for their young ones as a first aid salve of yore.

This is my most popular selling salve. I suppose
this equates, in large measure, to arnica salve. Both herbs are traditional pain relieving herbs.

Now, I just left the FDA site on do's and don'ts as far as claims of drugs v. cosmetics v. soap. It kind of reads like so many synthetic otc drugs and cosmetics - what the heck is it saying? I come away
thinking I am not to make any claims for comfrey or other herbs
as far as their treatabilities. Not a word, I know, but doesn't it make sense?

Supposedly, the FDA is protecting us from those who would sell us a product that doesn't do a thing it's claimed to do. But, now there are studies out on some herbs that actually validate some old
traditional claims.

I'd like to say it's not my war; but,
you see, it is. I make a comfrey salve, a calendula salve, a lavender salve, etc. This is my question to the FDA: what do I tell my customer when they ask me why I make comfrey salve?

This is what it boils down to, though, for you and boils down
to being responsible for your own treatment. It means doing the research and finding those sources you trust and learning
your own body's responses to certain treatments. And, if we could count on all of us to be that
way, we wouldn't need an FDA!!

So, this is a post on my comfrey salve making. Ha ha...I forgot to tell you how to make the salve.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Dead Sea Mud Pak


I am going to be writing my next few posts on new products I'm introducing in my Etsy shop. In my posts, we are going to be writing about how it is made and why. I'm not giving my recipes away, but I am going to point you in the right direction in the making of them.

Also, many home persons enjoy making their own skin care products as a hobby - this is also for them.
The first item I would like to introduce and write about is my Dead Sea Mud Pak. This product or raw ingredient is good as is. It does not need an add; however, it is what I do. I thought hard about what exactly to add - I wanted my mud to be enhanced and not overwhelmed by other ingredients.

Since my targeted market is maturing, dry, and menopausal skin, I chose aloe vera and carrot seed essential oil as adds to this lovely mud.

New Directions Aromatics writes this about aloe: "Aloe Vera is well respected for its application as a moisturizing agent. It contains vitamin B complex, folic acid, vitamin C and carotene (a precursor of vitamin A)."
Herb Wisdom writes: Aloe vera contains protein, calcium, magnesium, zinc, vitamins A, B12 and E, essential fatty acids and is naturally rich in:

Vitamin C which helps maintain tone of blood vessels and promotes good circulation and is essential to the health of the adrenal gland which supports our body in times of stress.
Amino acids which are chains of atoms constructing protein in our body.
Enzymes, which are the life-principle in every live, organic atom and molecule of natural raw food, rejuvenate aged tissues and promote healthy skin.
Germanium which is a mineral that some health authorities claim therapeutic benefits for: immunodeficiency, pain, cardiac disorders, circulatory disturbances and eye problems.

So, this is a lot of good reason to include aloe vera in my Mud Pak.

I also add carrot seed essential oil. This is considered one of the most potent and
effective maturing skin care essential oil as it is rich in beta carotene, a much needed chemical for our glowing and thriving skin. I give several reasons to use carrot seed oil in my product under my description listing at the shop.

When you are making your own Dead Sea Mud Pak product, this is what you may want to consider:

1. Use very little of each add so as not to disrupt too much the consistency of Dead Sea mud.
2. Do not include many adds for the same reason.
3. Attempt to use ingredients that enhance the consistency, like gels, thick rich skin care oils, a touch of powder, etc.
4. The natural aroma of Dead Sea Mud is actually quite refreshing. I thought the carrot seed oil would enhance this aroma if used minimally. You can get a whiff of the carrot, but the aroma of the mud still comes through - cool.

Thank you for reading! Now, go and put some mud on your face and enjoy those benefits!!!