Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Making Comfrey Salve

Hi Salve makers and those who want to learn:

I make a lot of salves that sell extremely well, especially locally. I make a calendula salve that is fragrance free, uses herbs of calendula, st. johnswort, and chamomile, that is often used by Moms and Dads for their young ones as a first aid salve of yore.

This is my most popular selling salve. I suppose
this equates, in large measure, to arnica salve. Both herbs are traditional pain relieving herbs.

Now, I just left the FDA site on do's and don'ts as far as claims of drugs v. cosmetics v. soap. It kind of reads like so many synthetic otc drugs and cosmetics - what the heck is it saying? I come away
thinking I am not to make any claims for comfrey or other herbs
as far as their treatabilities. Not a word, I know, but doesn't it make sense?

Supposedly, the FDA is protecting us from those who would sell us a product that doesn't do a thing it's claimed to do. But, now there are studies out on some herbs that actually validate some old
traditional claims.

I'd like to say it's not my war; but,
you see, it is. I make a comfrey salve, a calendula salve, a lavender salve, etc. This is my question to the FDA: what do I tell my customer when they ask me why I make comfrey salve?

This is what it boils down to, though, for you and boils down
to being responsible for your own treatment. It means doing the research and finding those sources you trust and learning
your own body's responses to certain treatments. And, if we could count on all of us to be that
way, we wouldn't need an FDA!!

So, this is a post on my comfrey salve making. Ha ha...I forgot to tell you how to make the salve.

2 comments: said...

So how do you make the salve???

Sweet Creek Herbal Soap said...

I thought you'd never ask! :)

Let me post a new article on it. I will do that today. Thanks!